Using this currency converter, you can find the current exchange rate for the CFA franc (ISO Code: XAF) against the Euro (ISO Code: EUR) and a calculator to convert from CFA Francs (XAF) to Euros (EUR). In the following table you'll find information about the Euro and the CFA franc.
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -0,75% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -4,81% in the last year.
The Euro is the currency of the Eurozone. In 2016 the Eurozone received a total of $ 105.754.118.351 USD in remittances.Country:
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -0,76% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -4,82% in the last year.
The CFA franc is the currency of .From Euros (EUR) to CFA Francs (XAF) | |
1 EUR | 656 XAF |
5 EUR | 3.280 XAF |
10 EUR | 6.560 XAF |
50 EUR | 32.798 XAF |
100 EUR | 65.596 XAF |
500 EUR | 327.978 XAF |
1000 EUR | 655.957 XAF |
5000 EUR | 3.279.784 XAF |
From CFA Francs (XAF) to Euros (EUR) | ||
5 XAF | = | 0,01 EUR |
10 XAF | = | 0,02 EUR |
50 XAF | = | 0,08 EUR |
100 XAF | = | 0,15 EUR |
500 XAF | = | 0,76 EUR |
1000 XAF | = | 1,52 EUR |
5000 XAF | = | 7,62 EUR |