Using this currency converter, you can find the current exchange rate for the Hungarian Forint (ISO Code: HUF) against the Croatian kuna (ISO Code: HRK) and a calculator to convert from Hungarian forints (HUF) to Croatian kuna (HRK). In the following table you'll find information about the Croatian kuna and the Hungarian Forint.
Variation against USD:
Appreciated 0,35% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -3,50% in the last year.
The Croatian kuna is the currency of Croatia. Among the countries that border with Croatia are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary (Hungarian Forint / Croatian kuna converter), Serbia (Serbian dinar / Croatian kuna converter), Montenegro and Slovenia . In 2015 Croatia received a total of $ 2.103.620.410 USD in remittances.Country:
Variation against USD:
Appreciated 0,91% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -8,24% in the last year.
The Hungarian Forint is the currency of Hungary. Among the countries that border with Hungary are: Croatia (Croatian kuna / Hungarian Forint converter) and Austria . In 2016 Hungary received a total of $ 4.609.248.809 USD in remittances.From Croatian kuna (HRK) to Hungarian forints (HUF) | |
1 HRK | 54,26 HUF |
5 HRK | 271 HUF |
10 HRK | 543 HUF |
50 HRK | 2.713 HUF |
100 HRK | 5.426 HUF |
500 HRK | 27.128 HUF |
1000 HRK | 54.256 HUF |
5000 HRK | 271.281 HUF |
From Hungarian forints (HUF) to Croatian kuna (HRK) | ||
1 HUF | = | 0,02 HRK |
5 HUF | = | 0,09 HRK |
10 HUF | = | 0,18 HRK |
50 HUF | = | 0,92 HRK |
100 HUF | = | 1,84 HRK |
500 HUF | = | 9,22 HRK |
1000 HUF | = | 18,43 HRK |
5000 HUF | = | 92,16 HRK |