Croatian kuna to Hungarian Forint

1 Croatian kuna = 54,26 Hungarian forints
Calculator from Croatian kuna to Hungarian Forint - Viceversa
Croatian kuna
Change today
$ -0 -0.3%
Change January
$ 0 0.68%
Change 2025
$ 0 1%

Using this currency converter, you can find the current exchange rate for the Hungarian Forint (ISO Code: HUF) against the Croatian kuna (ISO Code: HRK) and a calculator to convert from Hungarian forints (HUF) to Croatian kuna (HRK). In the following table you'll find information about the Croatian kuna and the Hungarian Forint.

Croatian kuna



Variation against USD:

Appreciated 0,35% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -3,50% in the last year.

The Croatian kuna is the currency of Croatia. Among the countries that border with Croatia are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary (Hungarian Forint / Croatian kuna converter), Serbia (Serbian dinar / Croatian kuna converter), Montenegro and Slovenia . In 2015 Croatia received a total of $ 2.103.620.410 USD in remittances.
Hungarian Forint



Variation against USD:

Appreciated 0,91% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -8,24% in the last year.

The Hungarian Forint is the currency of Hungary. Among the countries that border with Hungary are: Croatia (Croatian kuna / Hungarian Forint converter) and Austria . In 2016 Hungary received a total of $ 4.609.248.809 USD in remittances.
Conversion Guide for Printing
From Croatian kuna (HRK) to Hungarian forints (HUF)
1 HRK 54,26 HUF
5 HRK 271 HUF
10 HRK 543 HUF
50 HRK 2.713 HUF
100 HRK 5.426 HUF
500 HRK 27.128 HUF
1000 HRK 54.256 HUF
5000 HRK 271.281 HUF
From Hungarian forints (HUF) to Croatian kuna (HRK)
1 HUF = 0,02 HRK
5 HUF = 0,09 HRK
10 HUF = 0,18 HRK
50 HUF = 0,92 HRK
100 HUF = 1,84 HRK
500 HUF = 9,22 HRK
1000 HUF = 18,43 HRK
5000 HUF = 92,16 HRK