Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Bangladeshi taka (ISO Code: BDT) against the Indian Rupee (ISO Code: INR) and a calculator to convert from taka (BDT) to Rupees (INR). In the following table you'll find information about the Indian Rupee and the Bangladeshi taka.
Country: India
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -0,44% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -1,30% in the last year.
The Indian Rupee is the currency of India. Among the countries that border with India are: China (Chinese yuan (Renminbi) / Indian Rupee converter), Bangladesh (Bangladeshi taka / Indian Rupee converter), Afghanistan, Bhutan, Pakistan (Pakistani rupee / Indian Rupee converter), Nepal (Nepalese rupee / Indian Rupee converter) and Burma. In 2015 India received a total of $ 68.909.693.353 USD in remittances.Country: Bangladesh
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -0,10% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -7,75% in the last year.
The Bangladeshi taka is the currency of Bangladesh. Among the countries that border with Bangladesh are: India (Indian Rupee / Bangladeshi taka converter) and Burma. In 2015 Bangladesh received a total of $ 15.387.889.721 USD in remittances.From Rupees (INR) to taka (BDT) | |
1 Rupees | 1 taka |
5 Rupees | 7 taka |
10 Rupees | 14 taka |
50 Rupees | 71 taka |
100 Rupees | 141 taka |
500 Rupees | 707 taka |
1,000 Rupees | 1,415 taka |
5,000 Rupees | 7,074 taka |
10,000 Rupees | 14,149 taka |
50,000 Rupees | 70,743 taka |