Flag of USDollar
Flag of JapanJapanese yen

Dollar to Japanese yen

Saturday, November 30, 2024
1 Dollar = ¥ 149.75 Yen
Calculator from Dollar to Japanese yen -
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Currency fluctuation in the last 30 days

The exchange rate for the Dollar has decreased -1,34% against the Japanese yen in the last 30 days, falling from ¥ 153,25 to ¥ 151,19 Yen per Dollar. You get now fewer Yen for an amount in Dollars than you would have just a month ago. 30 days ago.

The Japanese yen and Japan

The Japanese yen (ISO code: JPY), is the official currency of Japan. The Japanese yen was created in 1871. The symbol for the currency is "¥", used as a prefix. According to the BIS, the Japanese yen is the 3rd most heavily traded currency.

The world's 3rd largest economy, Japan has a nominal GDP of 4.123.258 million USD, with exports of $625 billion USD. The rate of inflation in Japan was 0.80% in 2015.

Using this website, you can find the current exchange rate for the Japanese yen and a calculator to convert from Yen to Dollars. You can use this calculator offline while travelling in Japan.

Conversion Guide for Printing
From Dollars (USD) to Yen (JPY)
1 Dollars149.75 Yen
5 Dollars748.77 Yen
10 Dollars1,498 Yen
50 Dollars7,488 Yen
100 Dollars14,975 Yen
500 Dollars74,877 Yen
1,000 Dollars149,755 Yen
5,000 Dollars748,775 Yen
10,000 Dollars1,497,550 Yen
50,000 Dollars7,487,748 Yen
From Yen (JPY) to Dollars (USD)
5.00 Yen0.03 Dollars
10.00 Yen0.07 Dollars
50.00 Yen0.33 Dollars
100.00 Yen0.67 Dollars
500.00 Yen3.34 Dollars
1,000 Yen6.68 Dollars
5,000 Yen33.39 Dollars
10,000 Yen66.78 Dollars
50,000 Yen333.88 Dollars
100,000 Yen667.76 Dollars