Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Boliviano (ISO Code: BOB) against the Argentine Peso (ISO Code: ARS) and a calculator to convert from Boliviano (BOB) to Argentinian Pesos (ARS). In the following table you'll find information about the Argentine Peso and the Boliviano.
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -1,80% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -21,31% in the last year.
The Argentine Peso is the currency of Argentina. Among the countries that border with Argentina are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Argentine Peso converter), Chile (Chilean Peso / Argentine Peso converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Argentine Peso converter), Uruguay (Uruguayan peso / Argentine Peso converter) and Paraguay (Guaraní / Argentine Peso converter) . In 2015 Argentina received a total of $ 483.107.253 USD in remittances.Country:
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -0,37% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -0,48% in the last year.
The Boliviano is the currency of Bolivia. Among the countries that border with Bolivia are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Boliviano converter), Chile (Chilean Peso / Boliviano converter), Perú (Nuevo Sol / Boliviano converter), Argentina (Argentine Peso / Boliviano converter), Paraguay (Guaraní / Boliviano converter) and Falkland Islands . In 2015 Bolivia received a total of $ 1.190.958.194 USD in remittances.From Argentinian Pesos (ARS) to Boliviano (BOB) | |
1 ARS | 0,01 BOB |
5 ARS | 0,03 BOB |
10 ARS | 0,07 BOB |
50 ARS | 0,33 BOB |
100 ARS | 0,67 BOB |
500 ARS | 3,35 BOB |
1000 ARS | 6,69 BOB |
5000 ARS | 33,47 BOB |
From Boliviano (BOB) to Argentinian Pesos (ARS) | ||
1 BOB | = | 149 ARS |
5 BOB | = | 747 ARS |
10 BOB | = | 1.494 ARS |
50 BOB | = | 7.469 ARS |
100 BOB | = | 14.939 ARS |
500 BOB | = | 74.694 ARS |
1000 BOB | = | 149.388 ARS |
5000 BOB | = | 746.939 ARS |