Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Nuevo Sol (ISO Code: PEN) against the Chilean Peso (ISO Code: CLP) and a calculator to convert from Nuevo Sol (PEN) to Chilean pesos (CLP). In the following table you'll find information about the Chilean Peso and the Nuevo Sol.
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -2,79% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -9,89% in the last year.
The Chilean Peso is the currency of Chile. Among the countries that border with Chile are: Argentina (Argentine Peso / Chilean Peso converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Chilean Peso converter), Perú (Nuevo Sol / Chilean Peso converter) and Falkland Islands . In 2016 Chile received a total of $ 103.902.161 USD in remittances.Country:
Variation against USD:
Devaluated -1,15% in the last 30 days.
Devaluated -2,16% in the last year.
The Nuevo Sol is the currency of Perú. Among the countries that border with Perú are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Nuevo Sol converter), Chile (Chilean Peso / Nuevo Sol converter), Colombia (Colombian Peso / Nuevo Sol converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Nuevo Sol converter) and Ecuador . In 2015 Perú received a total of $ 2.725.062.654 USD in remittances.From Chilean pesos (CLP) to Nuevo Sol (PEN) | |
1 CLP | 0,00 PEN |
5 CLP | 0,02 PEN |
10 CLP | 0,04 PEN |
50 CLP | 0,19 PEN |
100 CLP | 0,37 PEN |
500 CLP | 1,87 PEN |
1000 CLP | 3,74 PEN |
5000 CLP | 18,72 PEN |
From Nuevo Sol (PEN) to Chilean pesos (CLP) | ||
1 PEN | = | 267 CLP |
5 PEN | = | 1.335 CLP |
10 PEN | = | 2.671 CLP |
50 PEN | = | 13.354 CLP |
100 PEN | = | 26.708 CLP |
500 PEN | = | 133.540 CLP |
1000 PEN | = | 267.079 CLP |
5000 PEN | = | 1.335.395 CLP |