Chilean Peso to Nuevo Sol

1 Nuevo Sol = $ 267 Chilean pesos
Calculator from Chilean Peso to Nuevo Sol - Viceversa
Chilean Peso
Change today
$ 0 0%
Change January
$ 2.35 0.89%
Change 2025
$ 2 1%

Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Nuevo Sol (ISO Code: PEN) against the Chilean Peso (ISO Code: CLP) and a calculator to convert from Nuevo Sol (PEN) to Chilean pesos (CLP). In the following table you'll find information about the Chilean Peso and the Nuevo Sol.

Chilean Peso



Variation against USD:

Devaluated -2,79% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -9,89% in the last year.

The Chilean Peso is the currency of Chile. Among the countries that border with Chile are: Argentina (Argentine Peso / Chilean Peso converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Chilean Peso converter), Perú (Nuevo Sol / Chilean Peso converter) and Falkland Islands . In 2016 Chile received a total of $ 103.902.161 USD in remittances.
Nuevo Sol



Variation against USD:

Devaluated -1,15% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -2,16% in the last year.

The Nuevo Sol is the currency of Perú. Among the countries that border with Perú are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Nuevo Sol converter), Chile (Chilean Peso / Nuevo Sol converter), Colombia (Colombian Peso / Nuevo Sol converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Nuevo Sol converter) and Ecuador . In 2015 Perú received a total of $ 2.725.062.654 USD in remittances.
Conversion Guide for Printing
From Chilean pesos (CLP) to Nuevo Sol (PEN)
1 CLP 0,00 PEN
5 CLP 0,02 PEN
10 CLP 0,04 PEN
50 CLP 0,19 PEN
100 CLP 0,37 PEN
500 CLP 1,87 PEN
1000 CLP 3,74 PEN
5000 CLP 18,72 PEN
From Nuevo Sol (PEN) to Chilean pesos (CLP)
1 PEN = 267 CLP
5 PEN = 1.335 CLP
10 PEN = 2.671 CLP
50 PEN = 13.354 CLP
100 PEN = 26.708 CLP
500 PEN = 133.540 CLP
1000 PEN = 267.079 CLP
5000 PEN = 1.335.395 CLP