Flag of the EurozoneEuro
Flag of BangladeshBangladeshi taka

Euro to Bangladeshi taka

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
1 Euro = 127 taka
Calculator from Euro to Bangladeshi taka -
Euros EUR
taka BDT
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Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Bangladeshi taka (ISO Code: BDT) against the Euro (ISO Code: EUR) and a calculator to convert from taka (BDT) to Euros (EUR). In the following table you'll find information about the Euro and the Bangladeshi taka.


Country: the Eurozone


Variation against USD:

Devaluated -2,72% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -2,44% in the last year.

The Euro is the currency of the Eurozone. In 2016 the Eurozone received a total of $ 105.754.118.351 USD in remittances.
Bangladeshi taka

Country: Bangladesh


Variation against USD:

Devaluated -0,04% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -7,42% in the last year.

The Bangladeshi taka is the currency of Bangladesh. Among the countries that border with Bangladesh are: India (Indian Rupee / Bangladeshi taka converter) and Burma. In 2015 Bangladesh received a total of $ 15.387.889.721 USD in remittances.
Conversion Guide for Printing
From Euros (EUR) to taka (BDT)
1 Euros127 taka
5 Euros634 taka
10 Euros1,269 taka
50 Euros6,345 taka
100 Euros12,690 taka
500 Euros63,449 taka
1,000 Euros126,898 taka
5,000 Euros634,490 taka
10,000 Euros1,268,979 taka
50,000 Euros6,344,896 taka
From taka (BDT) to Euros (EUR)
5 taka0.04 Euros
10 taka0.08 Euros
50 taka0.39 Euros
100 taka0.79 Euros
500 taka3.94 Euros
1,000 taka7.88 Euros
5,000 taka39.40 Euros
10,000 taka78.80 Euros
50,000 taka394.02 Euros
100,000 taka788.03 Euros