Uruguayan peso to Argentine Peso

1 Uruguayan peso = $ 23,73 Argentinian Pesos
Calculator from Uruguayan peso to Argentine Peso - Viceversa
Uruguayan peso
Change today
$ -0 -0.11%
Change January
$ -0 -0.53%
Change 2025
$ -0 -1%

Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Argentine Peso (ISO Code: ARS) against the Uruguayan peso (ISO Code: UYU) and a calculator to convert from Argentinian Pesos (ARS) to Uruguayan pesos (UYU). In the following table you'll find information about the Uruguayan peso and the Argentine Peso.

Uruguayan peso



Variation against USD:

Appreciated 0,88% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -9,81% in the last year.

The Uruguayan peso is the currency of Uruguay. Among the countries that border with Uruguay are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Uruguayan peso converter) and Argentina (Argentine Peso / Uruguayan peso converter) . In 2015 Uruguay received a total of $ 115.837.853 USD in remittances.
Argentine Peso



Variation against USD:

Devaluated -1,69% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -21,22% in the last year.

The Argentine Peso is the currency of Argentina. Among the countries that border with Argentina are: Brazil (Brazilian real / Argentine Peso converter), Chile (Chilean Peso / Argentine Peso converter), Bolivia (Boliviano / Argentine Peso converter), Uruguay (Uruguayan peso / Argentine Peso converter) and Paraguay (Guaraní / Argentine Peso converter) . In 2015 Argentina received a total of $ 483.107.253 USD in remittances.
Conversion Guide for Printing
From Uruguayan pesos (UYU) to Argentinian Pesos (ARS)
1 UYU 23,73 ARS
5 UYU 119 ARS
10 UYU 237 ARS
50 UYU 1.186 ARS
100 UYU 2.373 ARS
500 UYU 11.864 ARS
1000 UYU 23.728 ARS
5000 UYU 118.641 ARS
From Argentinian Pesos (ARS) to Uruguayan pesos (UYU)
1 ARS = 0,04 UYU
5 ARS = 0,21 UYU
10 ARS = 0,42 UYU
50 ARS = 2,11 UYU
100 ARS = 4,21 UYU
500 ARS = 21,07 UYU
1000 ARS = 42,14 UYU
5000 ARS = 211 UYU